Unit Sizes & Monthly Rates

5' x 5' (25 sq. ft.) $85/month
Holds a chest of drawers, a small mattress set, boxes and other small items.*
5' x 10' (50 sq. ft.)  $155/month
Holds furnishings of a mid-size bedroom, including a queen-size bed, dresser, TV, and a few boxes.* 
5' x 12' (60 sq. ft.)   $165/month
Holds furnishings of a mid-size bedroom, including a king-size bed, dresser, TV, and a few boxes.* 
10' x 10' (100 sq. ft.)  $175/month
Holds the contents of an entire family room or two full bedrooms.*  
10' x 12' (120 sq. ft.)  $185/month
Holds the contents of up to three bedrooms in this unit.*
10' x 15' (150 sq. ft.)  $195/month
Holds the contents of up to three bedrooms in this unit.*
10' x 20' (200 sq. ft.)  $225/month
Holds the contents of a five-bedroom house, including a refrigerator, washer/dryer, dining room table, chairs and large boxes.*
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*We've included some storage items to be used as a guide only. We hope you found them helpful!